You Are Breathtaking!

This is a moment to practice a little technique called “box breathing” or “square breathing.” I’m sure most of you out there have done some kind of breath work before you meditate or to calm yourself during times of stress. This simple technique can be used anytime to slow your heart rate, calm the mind, and bring your attention to your breath and nothing else. As Jay Shetty likes to remind us, our breath is the only thing that stays with us from the moment we are born until the moment we die (Shetty, 2022). It changes with every emotion we experience and is interconnected to every moment of your life.

So let’s get started……..

  1. Inhale for 4 seconds

  2. Hold for 4 seconds

  3. Exhale for 4 seconds

  4. Hold for 4 seconds

  5. REPEAT :)

    I recommend doing at least 5 rounds of this, but feel free to continue as long as you feel necessary to reach a place of peace. Enjoy!

Shetty, J. (2022, March 25) Jay shetty’s 4 daily habits to reduce stress, improve energy and & sleep deeper.,re%20sad%2C%20your%20breath%20changes.


Just say No to Laxatives!


Yoga Nidra Script