Just say No to Laxatives!

I recently read an article in the New York Times giving readers helpful daily tips to prevent constipation and cut the use of laxatives and it made me realize how often I am giving the same advice to my patients in my acupuncture practice. Below are some helpful daily tips to keep things moving smoothly. 


  1. Stay hydrated!!!! I cannot stress this one enough. And yes people, this means water, not seltzer, not tea, not coffee. You can also get some of your daily fluid intake from many fruits and vegetables such as spinach and watermelon that are 100% water by weight. The Mayo Clinic, like many other health organizations, says that about 8 glasses of water a day should maintain healthy levels of hydration in your body (Mayo Clinic, 2022). A generally simple way to tell if you are drinking enough water is to make sure your urine output is not dark yellow or has a strong odor.  


  1. Increase your daily fiber intake!!!!! While some people like to drink a soluble fiber supplement like psyllium husk every morning, foods rich in fiber such as legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products can bulk and move your stools.  


  1. Exercise daily!!!!!! This can even just mean a walk outside around the block to get blood flow moving and stimulate your intestines to start contracting. According to EPA, a US environmental protection agency, the average American spends 90% of their day inside (EPA, 2023).  


  1. Massage your belly!!!!! Massaging your belly in a clockwise motion, meaning up the right side, across the upper abdomen, and down the left side can help move gas and stools through your large intestine. I would even recommend starting by going down the left side first, then across the upper abdomen and down the left side, and finally the whole stroke up the right side, across the top and down the left. This is called the “I Love You Stroke” as it spells an “I” an “L” and a “U.” 


  1. Use a squatty potty!!!!! This allows the colon to be in a better position for bowels to exit the body. Here is a link to purchase one online: https://www.squattypotty.com/collections/stools  


  1. Lastly, if your constipation is very severe, I would recommend seeing an acupuncturist, a pelvic floor therapist and a colon hydro therapist regularly.  


Mayo Clinic (2022, Oct 12). Water: how much should you drink every day? 



EPA (2023, July 14). What are the trends in indoor air quality and their effects on human health? 

https://www.epa.gov/report-environment/indoor-air- quality#:~:text=Americans%2C%20on%20average%2C%20spend%20approximately,higher%20than%20typical%20outdoor%20concentrations.  



Drink Water People!


You Are Breathtaking!