Prostatitis and Chinese Medicine
Prostatitis in Chinese Medicine is usually diagnosed as a deficiency in the Kidney system with Liver Qi constraint leading to blood stasis and damp heat accumulation in the lower jiao. Now, I understand this may not make any sense to most people, so in Layman’s terms this means that as we age our circulation and energy in acupuncture channels slows and can become stagnant. Regarding prostatitis, the Kidney, Liver, and Spleen channels can directly affect the flow of Qi through our reproductive system and genital region. With regular acupuncture treatments to warm Kidney Yang, move Kidney Qi, move Liver Qi, and strengthen Spleen Qi all the while resolving any damp heat accumulation, we can help improve circulation to the prostate.
Here are a few acupuncture points that are tride and true for improving prostate function.
Spleen 6 - treats disharmony in the liver, spleen, and kidney channels to resolve damp heat accumulation
Spleen 9 - regulates and moves water passages and treats damp heat in the lower jiao
Kidney 3 - Tonifies kindey qi
Kidney 7 - Warms the kidney yang to improve circulation
Liver 2 - Drains liver fire and helps promote urination
Liver 3 - Spreads liver qi and discharges damp heat in the lower jiao
Liver 8 - Clears damp heat in the lower jiao and benefits the bladder and prostate
If you or anyone you know has been diagnosed with prostatitis or has high PSA levels, simple weekly acupuncture treatments can decrease symptoms, lower PSA levels and promote better overall urogenital functions. Lastly, zinc plays a major role in prostate health so please ask your primary care physician and nutritionist about adequate and healthy way to incorporate zinc into your diet or supplement plan.